Sunday, June 9, 2013

Three Of The Reasons Your Company Should Make Meetings Count

Business meetings can be a source of profit. Observe.

Effective meetings make money

Effective meetings are a sign of a savvy business that understands the importance of creativity, strategic planning and realistic outcomes. A savvy business would always be a cut above the rest. A bad meeting is an exercise in futility, and likely the main reason for a follow-up meeting.

A smart and savvy business draws customers and earns sales because the consumer base knows that smart + savvy = trustworthy quality of merchandise. Hence, you would want to make sales presentations and business meetings give customers a mirror image of what is in store for them. Conversely, you wouldn't be expecting much out of a company that ran bad meetings, except haphazard merchandise or mailed-in service.

A profit-driven business must obtain a positive return on every activity that it undertakes. Meetings, of course, are included. A smart leader would conduct meetings in a way that they can potentially help the business earn money and increase its sales.

Effective meetings save money

Good meetings produce results that people support. Implementing these results would be less expensive, which not only helps a business achieve operational efficiency, but synergy as well, in a way. The only results from a bad meeting are bad results, even if they do not seem all too bad at first. One-upmanship turns into character assassination, competition turns into cheating, strategies are imbued by subterfuge - all distinct possibilities. And when the business finally cottons on to it, they have wasted money on rework and projects never destined to be completed.

A smart company always gets its money's worth. Salaries very much included. People are paid to participate in effective meetings, and that participation does not include talking about the previous night's baseball game, gorging one's self on donuts and inadvertently spilling coffee on the table while trying to impersonate a television pratfall.

Employees value working for effective leaders. And they want to work for smart companies. Thus, effective meetings reduce employee turnover, which represents significant savings. In contrast, bad meetings bore top performers into quitting.

Effective meetings make people powerful

When people work as a team to produce a result, they feel pride and ownership in that result. Thus, they feel inspired by their work. Evidently this would lead to a more productive workforce.

Human nature dictates that we like working for somebody who supports us. A leader who runs meetings with a pattern of achievement is somebody worth respecting indeed. This creates loyalty to the leaders and to the business. Conversely, bad meetings create "company-hopping" men and women frustrated and disgusted by the lack of leadership demonstrated.

Effective meetings work as a success engine in business. Employees know how to use these meetings as a motivating factor. They end up working harder, and as the old commercial goes, contented cows give better milk - likewise, contented people create better results!

For additional references review this link for Iwan Sunito.

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