Friday, May 31, 2013

Web Design Is Easy With These Tips

Is web design a skill you want to cultivate? Do you have big ideas for your dream website that are being hamstrung by a lack of the practical skills necessary to realize them? Read this article to get a better idea of what web design is about and find out where to start your education.

Keep in mind that a lot of visitors are looking for good content, and not necessarily looking at how the page was designed. Stay true to your original purpose and use imagery to help you achieve that; in other words, keep design simple and make sure it communicates your message. The more simple the page, the quicker it will load.

Throughout the design process, you should perform useability tests periodically. When adding new features, have a few people test it to make sure it functions like you want it to. As the site designer, you may not be concerned by a video or graphic that loads slowly. However, your users may feel differently. Ask someone who has no interest in flattering you to give you an honest opinion.

You don't have to do everything yourself. You'll need to have an understanding of graphic and UI design, coding, SEO and creation of effective content to create a great website. If you want to improve, you must be willing to get help. You can pick and choose which areas you need help in and farm it out accordingly.

Give some thought to the background of your website. Certain sites contain GIF backgrounds that move, and although it may look nice, it can be harder to read the page's content. Make sure your background doesn't detract from your content, or make it hard for your viewers to read your font.

Before you begin working on your website's design, you should draw up some concept sketches illustrating how you want your website to function and look. Adjust your goals and direction by showing your overall sketch to loved ones and close acquaintances; this feedback is crucial.

Make sure all your domains, including sub-domains, include visible taglines. It needs to be the first thing the viewers sees when they follow links, so make sure the text is large and bold. This tagline let's people know what the page is about and whether or not they should stay there or not.

Regularly distributing a newsletter can help to secure repeat visitors. Giving your customers a reminder that you're still online and have some great deals or new content that will bring them back to your site for more. Put the form for signing up in a prominent location, such as a sidebar, and use it to compile a list of visitors who opt in to your newsletter. Avoid trouble by only sending the newsletter to people who have signed up for it.

By now, you should be feeling more self-assured in your ability to create an effective, well-designed website. You should. If not, then go ahead and reread this article so that you are feeling like you understand web design in a way, that makes you confident when thinking about the subject.

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